Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Let all real Christians be in prayer for Israel!


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Call to prayer! I am going to restate the obvious here regarding the attempted assassination of President Trump. We know that the FBI, DOJ, CIA and several others have been corrupted by the God hating commie democRAT filth. Why should the Secret Service be a surprise?  I do not refer to the rank and file agents but rather the treasonous corrupt leadership.  How could anyone believe that this was not an inside hit job?  I believe that God intervened to save President Trump.   PRAY people that God would move against the filth!

Bro. Steve Winter DD


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Click here to read the letter to the editor published 9-2-15 in the Courier-Times newspaper about socialism destroying America


democRAT voter? Don't dispair! God will forgive you if you sincerely REPENT!
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Click here for Bible tracts by Bro. Steve Winter free to print out and use for teaching and soul winning.


New Bible studies by Bro Steve Winter DD


True Christianity by Bro. Steve Winter Over 800 pages of rightly divided KJV Bible study
My book True Christianity is now available for Kindle on Amazon.
If you are a Prime member then you can read it for free or all can buy it for only $2.99
There is a free downloadable Kindle reader app for computers as well.


 Video Bible Studies by
Bro. Steve Winter

If you want to support this ministry click here. We really appreciate your support. No amount is too small for God to see.

Wondering about Xmas and Eostre?  Click here
Important to be aware of:  The message preached on the Day of Pentecost in 33AD was Acts 2:38.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
No trinity cult is Pentecostal since they reject the Name of Jesus in water baptism, regardless of popular misconception, confusion and deception.  Trinity filth are NOT Pentecostal or Apostolic.

Also, not all claiming to be Apostolic really are Apostolic!


Click on these for Video Sermons with sermon notes and Bible verses!

End of the World Video Sermon by Pastor Steve Winter

Trinity is Antichrist Video Sermon by Pastor Steve Winter

Blame Sin Video Sermon by Pastor Steve Winter

True Salvation Video Sermon by Pastor Steve Winter

Types of Tongues Video Sermon by Pastor Steve Winter


We hope you are blessed by the information here.
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Audio and video of Sermons and music from our services and photos  
RealAudio page

 Bible Studies By Pastor Steve Winter BIBLE

Great Bible Study Tracts By Rev. Lewis E. Manuwal Bro Manuwal

If you are interested in the Bible you should read these by this great man of God
God took Bro. Manual home to be with Him on 9/21/2004

Bible Studies in Russian RUSSIAN

Bible Studies in Chinese

 The Xmas and Easter Story XMAS

 Lookie here at what the false church is up to. FALSE

Some nice Book of Acts Studies by Bro. Carl Davis


This is a video series of the WinterBand "End of the World" songs.

Pray against the Satanic filth running Facebook and Twitter and share


Click here to read the letter to the editor published 9-2-15 in the Courier-Times newspaper about socialism destroying America


Click here to read the letter to the editor by Bro. Steve Winter about Mormon religion Published 2-9-2011 in the Courier-Times newspaper

Regarding the Mormon religion here is a site with some research links
Trinity preacher repented and got baptized in Jesus Name

News flash 10/1/2009 Corrupt AOL "Ourstage" music site disables WinterBand music site on behalf of false-christians.
Click here for details

Click here for  News flash 2006 ABOMINATION in North Carolina 
Salisbury "UPC" has Super bowl service

I would appreciate your help here.  I am trying to locate a man so that I can talk with him.  I am trying to find any man who left the UPC or FPC because of the sin and open Bible defiance there who was not lied about after he left.

1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

2 Corinthians 11:12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
The TRUTH is THE TRUTH and a LIE is A LIE!!
Click here for a short video sermon that will explain why many so called "Apostolic" Churches would not let Jesus Christ Himself onto their platforms to teach.

If a man is preaching that it is somehow sinful or unholy for a man to have a beard, then that preacher is a LIAR and needs to repent of his LYING!  If your preacher is a LIAR then you need to take care for your soul.  In the Bible most all men had beards and in some cases it was an act of WAR to cut off a man's beard to disgrace him.  It is a disgrace when men teach their traditions and whim as if it were Bible doctrine and make liars of themselves.
When false-christian trinitarian polytheists admit that they don't worship Jesus Only, it is not hard to tell exactly who those devils are worshiping (since they openly reject Jesus). 
What I must wonder, though, is since they reject Jesus why do they even bother "playing christian"?

It is a sin for women to speak out and address the congregation during a worship service and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, but it is also the same for any preacher who calls on women to speak during formal worship services.  Here is a link to a WinterBand song about the sin of women speaking in Church. It is entitled Shame Shame Shame
Would you follow a preacher that was practicing witchcraft? See 1 Samuel 15:23

Pray with us that the Lord would raise up "Samuel"s to replace the pompous, pride engorged "Eli"s in so many Oneness Churches in this hour and not just allow more baby "Eli"s that simply carry on ungodly traditions!

Jump to my published "letters to the editor" of newspapers.

We believe in Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal or Oneness Pentecostal, Jesus Name, Acts 2:38 Salvation and Biblical Holiness first preached at Pentecost. We are Oneness Christian teaching the Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal  Jesus Name Holiness message from the Bible. We teach that Acts 2:38 is the method of spiritual rebirth as preached and practiced by the Apostles. We believe in strictly monotheism. We believe that trinitarianism is polytheism evidenced by their rejection of Jesus Name water baptism. Be Rapture ready so you don't get left behind with the false church..

An Apostolic Pentecostal Christian Ministry of the Jesus Name Apostolic Holiness Church Inc. (JNAHC) Preaching the Holiness Apostolic Christian, Apostolic Faith, Biblical Christianity, Oneness Pentecostal Message, Jesus Christ Oneness Christianity, Christ Jesus Christian Salvation until the Pre Tribulation Rapture of the Church. Preaching  from the Holy Bible.  Teaching Biblical Christianity for the Apostolic Ministry.  Not affiliated with trinity polytheism or the UPC UPCI United Pentecostal. 

Often polytheistic false-christians will refer to the true Apostolic Pentecostal  Church as "Jesus Only" and they consider that an insult.  If someone is not worshipping "Jesus Only" then who are they worshipping, eh?
Letter to the editor by Bro. Steve Winter       Letter to Editor Herald Sun



darksideofcorruption.html This is my Sept  2005 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 09/07/2005 regarding the dangers of corruption in local government that led to the unnecessary harm in New Orleans.

democratsiniraqletter.html This is my Oct 2002 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 10/07/2002 regarding congressional Democrats giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States

paulvs.html This is my June 2000 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 6/03/2000 regarding Paul's epistles

castro.htm This is my April 2000 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 4/28/2000 regarding the raid in Miami

clinton.htm This is my June1999 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 6/13/99 regarding our president being a living monument to the moral deterioration that is leading to school shootings and his trading of our nuclear secrets for campaign contributions.

kidgun2.htm This is my May1999 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 5/3/99 regarding why children are killing.

kidgun1.htm This is  my July 1998 letter to the editor Published in the Durham Herald-Sun on 7/18/98 regarding children killing.

Will you wait until your maker calls to try to make your peace?
Will you wait until each breath is hard before you stop and think?
Will you wait until your time is up before you look around
and see the life you've always lived was pointing you straight down?

Why hope the hand of death for you will somehow make exception
and give just you some extra time to try to find redemption?

Now is the time the Good Book says for you to find salvation,
not down the road some time afar when you'll choose the situation.

When the hand of death cuts short each breath and you find you're not
your own; is not the time to seek the God whose blood for you was strewn.

Now is the time the Good Book says for you to find salvation,
not down the road some time afar when you'll choose the situation.

When your years are spent from godlessness and seeking earthly treasure
can you be so sure that God will grant extra moments for your pleasure?

Now is the time the Good Book says for you to find salvation,
not down the road some time afar when you'll choose the situation.

Will you wait till death's cold hand is closing round your throat, to stop
to weigh the life you've lived and the downward path you chose.

Now is the time the Good Book says for you to find salvation,
not down the road some time afar when you'll choose the situation.

Bro Steve Winter (c) 2004


Regarding the leaven of the UPC....  Well well well....

Licensing women to preach was not enough...
Licensing divorced and remarried men to preach was not enough...
Having to agree not to contend for the faith was not enough...
Going a whoring after the world with every heathen holiday wasn't enough...
Total disregard of the commandments regarding women not speaking in Church was not enough...
Having one of their top leaders caught doing Sodomy in a park wasn't enough...
General let down on the old paths of holiness wasn't enough...

But apparently the UPCI leadership embracing television WAS enough for some old
timers to leave the United Pentecostal Church International. 

But will they keep their other sins like the Protestants kept the trinity?

Bro. Steve Winter


The religious and political censorship and harassment by Facebook is continuing and getting worse.
Click here for for documentation. Please share this link far and wide.


Litigation information! Fighting censorship and illegal obscenity Click here!
(Note this is old historical stuff from the 1990's and most of it is moot.  It now includes the letter from Senator Helms to Steve Winter regarding reporting of illegal underage graphics publishers.) It does have documentation of one obsessed false-christian deceiver Stephen Adams actually trying to protect illegal publishers, though.



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